martes, 2 de junio de 2020

INGLÉS 5ºA Y 5ºB 02/06/20

Hello, good morning! here you are the last task answers CLICK HERE

- Hello, good morning! Today we go to the page number 58 at your Class Book:

- Open your English notebook and write the date of today.

-  Copy the next Grammar section:


Use of "have to" and "don't have to"

- "Have to" expresa obligación, tener que hacer algo.
Se puede usar para muchas cosas pero en esta unidad se centra en la ropa.

Ex. You have to wear a tie in the theatre.
       Tú tienes que llevar corbata en el teatro.

- "Don't have to" indica que no estás obligado a hacer algo o llevar algo.

Ex. You don't have to study maths today
       No tienes que estudiar mates hoy.

- Activity 1.
*Tenéis que completar las frases con "have to" o "don't have to" sobre nuestro cole.

1. At school you                wear a school uniform.
2. At school you                wear black shoes.
3. At school you                wear a tie.
4. At school you                wear diffierent clothes for PE (Educación Física).

- Activity 3. Read and listen to the song and choose the correct options.


- Play the game.


- Activity 1.

1. At school you haven’t to wear a school uniform.
2. At school you haven’t to wear black shoes.
3. At school you haven’t to wear a tie.
4. At school you have to wear different clothes for PE.

- Activity 3. Read and listen to the song and choose the correct options.

1. head
2. grandma
3. have to
4. smart
5. me

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