viernes, 5 de junio de 2020

INGLÉS 5ºA Y 5ºB 05/06/20

Check the last tasks here: CLICK

- Hello good morning kids!

- First we go to the page number 51 in the Activity Book

- Open your notebook and copy the date of today.

 - Activity 3. We start with a short activity about "have to" and "don't have to"
*Recordad que si es para tercera persona sería "has to" o "doesn't has to"

- Activity 4. Write about yourself.
*Aquí tenéis que escribir frases sobre vosotros mismos sobre lo que debéis y no debéis hacer el fin de semana. Usad lo que viene en el cuadro amarillo aunque también podéis escribir cosas inventadas o propias.

- Go to the page number 59 in the Class Book

- Firs, you can watch the videoclip from the last lesson (The Technology song).

*Here you have a poster about a music festival with some information such the artists, date, place, etc. Read the poster.
Aquí tenéis un poster de un festival de música con alguna información como artistas, fecha y lugar.
Lo leemos.

- Activity 1

- Activity 2 copy the sentences with the correct option.
*Copiamos las frases con la opción correcta

- Play the game

- Go to the page number 52 in your Activity Book.

- Activity 1. Copy the statement and answer the question.
*Copia el enunciado y contesta la pregunta

-  Activity 2. What can you see in the poster?
*¿Qué podéis ver en el poster? Copiamos los 8 items y si aparecen en el poster vamos poniendo un tick  (✅) y si no aparece escribimos cross (X)



 Activity Book

Activity 3. 
1. A pólice officer has to wear a uniform.
2. I have to buy a ticket for the concert.
3. You haven’t to wear a bow tie.
4. She hasn’t to answer the phone.
5. You have to do your homework before dinner.

- Activity 4. Write about yourself.
Salen así más o menos
1. I haven’t to go to school.
2. I have to tidy my room
3. I don’t have to go to bed before ten o’clock
4. I don’t have to do my homework.

Class Book

Activity 1
Tim and the teenagers.
Ric Moon
The Euros

- Activity 2 
1. The festival is in the afternoon.
2. You can’t buy something to eat at the festival.
3. Tim and the teenagers is a rock band.
4. Rick Moon is from Rooftops
5. Tickets for people between the ages of 18 and 65 cost 2L

- Page number 52 Activity Book.

Activity 1. 
When’s the festival? ¿Cuándo es el festival?
The festival i son Sunday 2nd July.

-  Activity 2.
3. X
6. X

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