viernes, 24 de abril de 2020

INGLES 6ºA 25/04/20

First of all, check the other day answers CLICK HERE

Today we go to the page number 47.

1. First we watch the video review about the vocabulary.

2. We do the activity number 1. We copy the statement and answer the question.

Here we have a Drama Club annuncement from a noticeboard.

You have to read it and the you have to write a summary in your notebook (tenéis que escribir un resumen del contenido del anuncio, incluido el cuadro verde. Podéis hacerlo en español y los más atrevidos en Inglés).

3. Do the activity number 2. All the sentences in the activity are FALSE. You have to rewrite the sentences to make them TRUE. (Write only the true sentences).

4. You have a game pad icon to click on and play a game. You can play it with other person. It is a "Tic tac toe" game (tres en raya) in which you have to answer the questions to move.

5. We go to the page 41 in the Activity Book. Do the activity 1.
Here we have other annuncement called Rooftops adventure Club.

6. Do the activity number 2. You have to join the sentences to make them sense. (tenéis que unir las mitades de las frases para que tengan sentido y se copian en la libreta ya unidas).

7. Extra Work (optional).
Make your own annuncement in your notebook with pictures, colors, information, etc.


Two hours.*
-  La pregunta significa ¿Cuántas horas hay de teatro a la semana? De 4:30 a 6:30 dos horas.

- Summary in English
The drama club are looking for twelve actors to perform a play called Murder on the London Express (a train). Apart from this, they are looking for other people to do other jobs to do in the club. In the green chart there is important information to get the job.

Summary in Spanish
El club de teatro está buscando 12 actores para interpreter la obra “Asesino en el Expreso de Londres”  (un tren). Aparte de esto, están buscando a gente para hacer otros trabajos en el club. En el recuadro verde hay información importante para obtener el trabajo.

Activity 2
1. The drama club is for people interested in acting.
2. This year’s production is Murder on the London Express
3. Apart from acting, there are       other Jobs  at the drama club    ( se ha eliminado el “no”)
4. The drama club meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays
5. If you are interested, leave a message in the staff room for Mrs Johnson

Activity book Activity 2
1. The notice is about a new club for kids who like adventure.
It's easy to read the notice because it's very clear and bright.
The notice includes a list of exciting activities.
The notice has got information like who the club is for, and when andwhere they meet.
The notice doesn't say how much it costs.

Extra work: Activity 3. 
I will check your annuncements when I ask you for your notebooks

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