lunes, 20 de abril de 2020

INGLÉS 6ºA 21/04/20

Hello! Good morning!

Check the before task answers CLICK HERE

Here it is the task of today:

We continue at page number 46.

- You have to do the activity number 3. First of all, you have to READ THE SONG.

You have some parts in purple. Write in your notebook the correct options


The listen (it is important the digital book access) and check and write your mark. (points).

- As you can see, there is a game pad. Click there and play the game. You have to order the clouds to make correct sentences.

- Now you go to the Digital Activity book, page number 40 and do the activity number 2.
Here you have to make 3 sentences about Beyonce using superlatives.

To make easier the task I write them in Spanish

1. Ella es la mejor cantante.
2. Ella lleva los mejores trajes en el escenario
3. Yo creo que es la menos egoista.

- In the activity 3 you have to write your own sentences about your favourite artist. You can use the adjectives in the yellow chart.

My favourite performer is .......

I remember you that it is important to revise your grammar notes in your notebook.


- Activity 3

1. Most important
2. Kinder
3. Most difficult
4. The meanest
5. Most important

- Activity book Act. 2

1. Ella es la mejor cantante.
1. She is the best singer!
2. Ella lleva los mejores trajes en el escenario
2. She wears the most beautiful costumes on stage
3. Yo creo que es la menos egoista.
3. I think she is the least selfish celebrity

- Activity book Act. 3

This is my example

My favourite performer ir Michael Jackson
He is the best singer in the world.
Also he was the most famous dancer.
He was the cleverest because he composed all his songs.
He was he least selfish.

4 comentarios:

  1. hola yo no se ingresar al activity book me puede decir como entro?

  2. por cierto cual es la licencia para el libro?

  3. En este enlace tienes la entrada sobre el acceso a Rooftops digital:
    Hay que registrarse y después esperar a que te acepte. El código para el registro lo mandé por whatsapp al grupo de las familias o también te lo puedo facilitar por email. No se puede poner por aquí.
