viernes, 20 de marzo de 2020

INGLÉS 6ºA 20/03/20

Hello! Now you have the answers from date 17/03/20 to be checked in your notebook. CLICK HERE

For this weekend you have the next activity (from the activity book). Click to the image to enlarge.

You must use the comparatives to make sentences (see the example). Copy them in your notebook.

1.- The three pigs are less confdent than Prince Doring.
2.- The seven dwarves are more hard-working than the big bad wolf.


3.- Queen Bea is less generous than King Goodly.
4.- Hansel y naughtier than his sister Gretel
5.- Anabella is less mean than his sisters.
6.- Anabella's mother is more selfish.
*Este caso es una excepción, aunque el adjetivo es corto no se añade "-er" sino "more"
7.- A Modern Fairy Tale is funnier than traditional stories.
8.- Traditional stories are less exciting than A Modern Fairy Tale.

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